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Chris Montes

Hello fellow Bobcats!


My name is Christian Allan Montes and I am running for Senator At-Large for the Associated Students of UC Merced. I am a second year student currently pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics with an emphasis in engineering and have worked hard to be in the top 10 percentile of my class. In addition to my academics, however, I understand the importance of being involved and serving our community.

As a member of three different organizations, I know that our clubs provide valuable student experiences and are worthwhile investments. The responsibilities of my leadership positions, including being an officer for the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and member of both the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, has helped me to grow to as a person. Even as a sophomore, they prepared me to help mentor incoming students. Through these experiences, I’ve had the privilege of connecting with students pursuing many diverse career paths which has helped me better understand the issues our campus faces as well as how to solve them. As a student myself, I see the areas of our community where there is room for growth -- like many other students, I wish there was more leadership in addressing these issues. It was for this reason that I decided to run for ASUCM Senate.


If elected Senator At-Large, my number one priority is empowering your voice. I will improve upon the system which receives and hears students concerns in order to make sure they do not go unanswered. Additionally, I want to advocate for greater student representation in the planning and execution of ASCEND and other events which significantly impact new students. Lastly, I will strive to be a fair and just voice at the table, and to assist every Bobcat however I can, no matter what the problem may be.


Thank you for your consideration and remember to vote for Christian Montes and the rest of the Bobcats United team!




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