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Hunter Drobenaire


Hunter Wolfbear Drobenaire is a second-year bioengineering major. He was raised with an older brother and grew up in the town of Montclair.


As Senator At-Large, he will use his knowledge gathered from attending ASUCM meetings to advocate for student voices during open forum, help small clubs expand their reach, and support the Violence Prevention Program at UC Merced.


Hunter is currently serving as Secretary for the Native American Student Coalition and Treasurer for Bobcat Radio. He has a strong sense of teamwork and collaboration and knows what it takes for a team to be successful.


Hunter’s objectives as an ASUCM senator include collaborating with the Violence Prevention Program to help raise awareness about sexual assault and violence on campus, promoting a more welcoming ASUCM environment to both elected officials and students, and meeting with various small registered clubs and organizations to help plan the future of UC Merced.

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